About Me

My name is Alicia.  That's my handsome husband, Patrick.  I have a few interests and am lucky enough to have been able to work a couple into the category of employment: I design cards and invitations for Bella Card Company and I teach Pilates and am a personal trainer at Studio S.  If you are crazy enough to think that things just fell into place for me (or for anyone), it's not true.  I spent a lot of time after college being sad for myself because I wasn't working in a job I felt entitled to be in (some kind of exciting job where I go to an office and do marketing things since that's what I majored in...no, I was serving coffee at Starbucks).  It's been a few years of hard work and learning the hard way, but I feel like I have a pretty great life doing things I love.  That is the key, no matter what anyone tells you.

I live in Cincinnati, I walk about one hundred steps to work, have a cat named Nala, and I feel like I have a pretty amazing life.